As a pastor I once served as a chaplain in a mental hospital. I became acquainted with all kinds of mental disorders. I even met one schizophrenic who at certain times could beat me in chess. Of course, he was brilliant, but sick.

Schizophrenics are people. So are all people who are subject to mental disorders. So here is a puzzle for you (normal?) folks out there. Imagine two people brought to trial in two different courts. The facts in each case are similar and not in dispute; each person on trial killed someone. One killed out of sheer evil, the other killed because in schizophrenic confusion he heard voices telling him to kill.

Schizophrenia is a disease like other diseases such as pneumonia or cancer. It is a tool of Satan, as are all evils, sorrows, or pains. It may require temporarily restraining its victims to prevent them from harming others or themselves, but it also requires medical treatment. Schizophrenia does not require exorcism any more than say, cancer patients.

Take care of schizophrenics even or especially if one is in your family. Remember; they are people. Above all; remember they are persons and need appropriate medicine and treatment.

The English word “bedlam” is a corruption of the word “Bethlehem” because in the Middle Ages in England there was a group of nuns named “Sisters of Bethlehem” who took care of the mentally ill, so outsiders who did not know the origin of the phrase would say of someone “he is ready for bedlam.”

Sinners need a cure specific for their infirmity. Do you have that cure?