A Picture of Heaven

The Bible describes Heaven. Some people may only think of the Book of Revelation. But heaven is presented in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5. Every characteristic of the blessed Ones in the Beatitudes is described in Revelation as happening to those who were to inhabit Heaven.

Those who purified themselves saw God face-to-face.Those who mourned had every tear wiped away. Those who thirsted after righteousness were filled. Those who suffered persecution were healed. And so on. Jesus promised Heaven on earth to all who trusted him. Early in his ministry Jesus promised a taste of Heaven to those who accepted him on earth. Theologians call this the “already but not yet” aspect of our Christian faith. Already we have the gift of the Holy Spirit and the new life in Christ but we have not yet experienced his Heavenly presence and total freedom from all Satan’s attacks and evils. So now in our “Already” our only task is to witness and look for his return.